#goalgetter                          #dreamchaser





 My adventurous dream chasing led me to meet a marvelous world of people. My interactions with everyone I have encountered have helped me to understand people. What we see and question may in fact be logical. Most just keep their assertions not questioning, this prevents us from evolving as a society. In filmmaking and startups, a project in collaboration with several heads will be more successful than a project led by one. Why would our world work any different?

 As I struggled to survive and repeatedly thought about quitting. That's when God blesses me with food and love. I have come to realize that the world is a lot nicer than the world wants you to think it is. As I pursue my goals and dreams, I will fight for you, you have enabled me to continue the pursuit to make our world a better place.

 While living the life of my character, I came to understand that there is an epidemic of homelessness occurring in the city the mass population in small towns, with huge drug addictions. Homeless people are hard-pressed to find a place to sleep. On a few occasions, I was awakened by the cops, or by people who act as if I were a stain on society.

